Lord, I thank you for your righteousness, strength, and wisdom. I know that you have called every single one of your children for a specific purpose and graced them to walk in that purpose. Father, please lift up NAMES. Give them strength, power, and understanding to teach your Word. Help them to lead your people justly and rightly. Surround them with people they can trust and who will encourage them. Lord, I know that pastoring is not an easy endeavor. Grace them with the support they need to do the work of the ministry for which you have called them. Refresh their hearts so that they can continue to grow their church and counsel their community. Finally, Lord, give them clear direction and protect them from those who would steer them off course. Allow the Holy Spirit to manifest God's glory in their lives, their relationships, and their church to raise them up. Thank you for NAMES and the sacrifice that they give for their congregation's spiritual growth. Thank you for leading me to them. In Jesus's name, I pray. Amen!